Contact us
You can easily contact our sales service through the form.
Our sales service is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 15:30. Please provide as much information as possible in your message, such as the possible date, number of guests, and room and catering requests. This way we can respond to your inquiry quickly and accurately.
When the sales service is closed and for special dietary or reservation inquiries, please call the restaurant directly at 044 771 9429. We answer calls during restaurant opening hours. Check out the opening hours here.
Nuuksiontie 84
02820 Espoo
+358 44 771 9429 (during opening hours)
Y-tunnus 1055839-0
Bookings for the restaurant and meeting reservations
044 760 2473
Give us feedback
Your feedback is important to us, as we want to ensure a high-quality and warm experience for everyone at Haltia. Both positive and constructive feedback is always welcome. With your help, we can further develop our services!